Vizualizati toate paginile din cadrul Organizare, ordonate dupa data publicarii:
04 Mar 2024

Behavioral science specialist (1 Individual Consultant) – RAPID Project

The Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests (MEWF) through the Project Management Unit (PMU) responsible for the implementation of Rural Pollution Prevention and Reduction Project (RAPID Project) seeks contracting specialized consultancy services of an Individual Consultant for supporting the RAPID Project imple...

20 Feb 2024

Procurement Expert (1 Individual Consultant) – RAPID Project

The Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests (MEWF) through the Project Management Unit (PMU) responsible for the implementation of Rural Pollution Prevention and Reduction Project (RAPID Project) seeks contracting specialized consultancy services of an Individual Consultant – Procurement Expert to contribute to ...

16 Feb 2024

IT Expert (1 Individual Consultant) – RAPID Project

The Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests (MEWF) through the Project Management Unit (PMU) responsible for the implementation of Rural Pollution Prevention and Reduction Project (RAPID Project) seeks contracting specialized consultancy services of an Individual Consultant – IT Expert for supporting the digital...

22 Jan 2024


ANUNȚ SITE PROMOVARE IN GRAD 26.02.2024 Anexa nr. 1 - formular de înscriere Rezultatul probei de selecție a dosarelor la examenul de promovare în grad profesional imediat superior celui deținut, a funcționarilor publici de execuție din cadrul Ministerului Mediului, Apelor și Pădurilor, organizat în data de 26.02.202...

04 Aug 2023

Project Assessment Expert (Individual Consultant) - 1 position, INPCP - AF

The Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests (MEWF) through the Project Management Unit (PMU) responsible for the implementation of Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control Project seeks contracting specialized consultancy services of an Individual Consultant – Project Assessment Expert - consultancy for the prepara...

22 Jun 2023

Project Management Expert - 1 position, INPCP - AF

The Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests (MEWF) through the Project Management Unit (PMU) responsible for the implementation of Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control Project seeks contracting specialized consultancy services of an Individual Consultant – Project Management Expert, to develop an efficient inte...